Regulamin Hotelu i warunki rezerwacji

Terms and conditions

I. General terms

1. The Terms and Conditions, drawn up by DOBRY HOTEL Spółka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnością Sp. K.  (later referred to as: “Service Provider”), describe the rules of the villa and provision of accommodation services, the terms for making hotel room reservations and the terms of providing services via the internet webpage found at the address The Service Provider is the hotel operator.

2. The Guest and the Service Provider are obliged to observe the Terms and Conditions as soon as the former commences using the services provided by the latter. The servicing process and the Guest’s stay at the hotel shall be performed in compliance with the rules set out herein.


II. Definitions

1. Guest – a person with full legal capacity or an entity using the Services provided by the Service Provider in accordance with the Terms and Conditions,

2. Services – every service provided in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, particularly hotelling services within the villa and online processing via the e-Service,

3. e-Service – internet website for placing reservations on-line, using the booking System.


III. Type and range of Services on offer

1. The Service Provider offers hoteling services as specified in the Act on Tourist Services of 29 August 1997. The services are, in particular:

a. letting out hotel rooms,

b. catering services,

c. renting conference rooms,

d. renting out parking spots.

2. It is possible to reserve a hotel room in the following ways:

a. via the reservation System – an interactive form published by third parties via the e-Service, making it possible to book a hotel stay in a villa l which is available through the System.

b. on the phone, using the phone number of the Service Provider published in the e-Service,

c. via e-mail using the e-mail address of the Service Provider published in the e-Service,

d. in person – at the villa reception.

3. Payments – The e-Service gives the Guest the possibility to make online payments while booking a hotel stay, by means of the tPay service. If the reservation is made in a way other than online, the payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or by card.

4. The Service Provider accepts the following bank cards:

a. for on-line payments: VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, MasterCard Electronic, American Express,

b. for direct payment at the villa: VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, MasterCard Electronic, American Express.

5. The hotelling services offered as part of the hotel stay depend on the category and standard of the villa. Should there be any reservations as to the quality of the services offered, the Guest is kindly requested to report them at the villa reception during the stay, which will enable the Service Provider to react immediately.

6. As part of the hotelling service, the Service Provider ensures, in particular:

a. the stay of the Guest at the villa, including respect for the privacy of the Guest’s personal data in compliance with Article 6 para. 1b of the GDPR (the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, andrepealing Directive 95/46/EC), i.e. the processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the Guest is a party;

b. professional and polite handling in all the services provided;

c. room cleaning (between. 8:00 - 16:00) and the rectification of technical failures during the guest’s absence, and during his/her presence only if he/she requests it;

d. effective technical service: should there be any technical failures that cannot be fixed, the villa will take all possible steps to alleviate the inconvenience. If the failure is repaired, the Guest does not have the right to compensation.

7. Moreover, at the Guest’s request, the Service Provider offers the following additional services as part of the hotelling service:

a. provision of information regarding one’s stay and journey;

b. provision of a wake-up call;

c. storage of valuables in a safe throughout the duration of the Guest’s stay at the villa, in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code;

d. storage of luggage (Note: the villa is not obliged to accept luggage at times outwith the Guest’s stay or items which do not bear the characteristics of personal luggage);

e. ordering of a transportation service;

f. processing of reservations for fitness services (Note: this does not guarantee the availability of such services);

g. provision of paid room-service;


IV. Terms and Conditions 

1. A hotel room is let out for a day. The hotel day starts at 14:00 on the day of arrival and ends at 12:00 on the day of departure.

2. If, when taking a room, the Guest does not specify the duration of his/her stay it is assumed that the stay is for one day only.

3. At the Guest’s request, and only as far as it is possible, the hotel can (with an extra charge) extend the hotel „day”.

4. A request to prolong one’s stay or extend the hotel day shall be submitted by the Guest at the reception by 10:00 on the day of the planned departure at the latest. The villa will fulfil the request as far as it is possible.

5. Should the Guest fail to vacate the room by the required time, the Service Provider shall have the right to pack the Guest’s belongings in the presence of a 2-member committee, where one of the persons present must be the Director or Manager of the villa. The packed items will await collection from a deposit at the villa reception.

6. Objects left in the hotel room after a Guest’s departure will be sent to the address indicated by the Guest – at his/her cost. In the case of lack of such instructions, the villa retains left objects for a period of one year.

7. A request to cut short one’s stay must be submitted by the Guest at the villa reception by 18:00 on the day before the Guest’s early departure. Should this requirement not be fulfilled, the next hotel day shall be considered as used, unless it is stated otherwise in the terms of the offer accepted by the Guest.

8. The Guest may not let other persons use the room without that person having previously checked in at the reception, even during the time the Guest has already paid for.

9. Persons who are not checked-in can only be present in the hotel room between 06:00 and 22:00 having informed the villa receptionist.

10. Afer check-in, the Guest ought to check the room and its furnishings and keep them intact. If the Guest observes any damage, he/she should immediately inform the villa reception. Should the Guest fail to do so and the villa personnel find some damage, the Guest will be held financially responsible for that damage.

11. The Guest is liable for any damage to the villa property caused by themselves, persons in their charge or persons visiting them.

12. The Guest is obliged to pay for his/her stay and any ordered or used services or goods before leaving the hotel, at

check-out at the latest. If the bill is not settled, the Service Provider has the right to charge the Guest for all services and goods provided to him/her during the stay.

13. The Service Provider is liable for the loss or damage to items brought by the Guest onto the premises within the provisions of the Civil Code.

14. Valuables, money and documents shall be kept in a locked safe in the hotel room, or at the reception deposit. The villa does not accept responsibility for any valuables left elsewhere.

15. The quiet hours at the villa are between 22:00 and 06:00.

16. The conduct of Guests and persons using the services at the villa should be such as not to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the stay by any other Guest. The hotel retains the right to cancel the hoteling service for any person who violates this rule. There is a smoking ban at the hotel. If the ban is not observed, the Guest may be charged a fine of 1000 PLN for each discovered violation of the ban. The Guest is also obliged to cover the cost of the emergency services which are called for automatically by the fire alarm system.

17. Each time the Guest leaves the hotel room during his/her stay, they are obliged to secure it in order to prevent third persons from entering it. When the Guest is not in the room, doors and windows must remain shut/locked.

18. In case of noticing a fire, the Guest must notify the villa personnel as far as it is possible and move towards an exit in accordance with the evacuation route (as detailed in instructions in the room and throughout the villa). Until the arrival of the fire brigade the villa personnel are responsible for the evacuation of all people from the premises.

19. Fire safety regulations forbid the use of appliances which are not part of the room equipment (e.g. immersion heaters, electric cookers etc.)

20. The Service Provider may collect a „climate fee” in compliance with current regulations.

21.  The Service Provider is not responsible for damages caused third parties

22. The facility is monitored.


V. Booking the hotel room

1. It is possible to book the hotel room in the following ways:

a. through the e-System,

b. on the phone,

c. by e-mail,

d. in person at the hotel reception.

2. In order to book a room the Guest needs to accept the Terms and Conditions, provide the necessary personal details (such as name and surname, home address, time of stay, payment method) and to cover, either in full or in part, the costs of the stay – depending on the terms of a particular offer or individual arrangements. If the terms of a particular offer do not require any advance payment, the Service Provider does not guarantee the reservation of a stay. The Guest is obliged to provide complete and actual data only. The Guest understands and accepts the fact that providing illegal or false data to the Service or the Service Provider is strictly prohibited.

3. When making a reservation via the e-System, an additional condition is to confirm the fact of having made a reservation by clicking on the „Book and pay” button and then making a payment, either through the eCard system or (if this method is available) during the Guest’s stay at the villa.

4. While processing the reservation, the Service Provider informs the Guest of:

a. the main data concerning the booking, as communicated by the Guest, and all related prices,

b. the identification details of the Service Provider,

c. the fact that a Guest who is considered a consumer, as described in the Civil Code (Article 22[1]), does not have the right to withdraw from the hotelling service agreement, in compliance with the Consumer Rights Act (Article 38,

Item 12).

d. additional charges related to services not included in the reservation, which the Guest may choose to order during his/her stay.

5. Having processed the booking by the e-Service or e-mail, the Service Provider shall send booking confirmation, includingall information listed in point 4 (above) to the e-mail address provided by the Guest. If the booking is made on thephone or in person, the abovementioned information shall be given to the Guest while the reservation is being made orin another way, to be agreed with the Guest.


IV. Cancelling the hotel room reservation

1. The cancellation of a booking made by the Guest shall be performed in the same way as the reservation process.

2. Cancelling a room reservation is possible one day before the beginning of the booked stay (i.e. before 12:00) unless it is statedotherwise in the terms of the particular offer.

3. Should the reservation be cancelled later than the time stated in point 2 (above), or should the Guest fail to appear at thebeginning of the booked stay, the Guest will be obliged to pay the reservation fee unless the reservation was made within an offer whose Terms and Conditions state otherwise.

4. The reservation fee is the amount charged for the first unused day for all the rooms booked by the Guest, unless the terms of the particular offer state otherwise. If the reservation was made as part of a non-return offer (such as HOT DEAL), the reservation fee amounts to the charge for all the unused days in all the rooms booked by the Guest as part of that stay.

5. If the cancellation is valid and correctly performed, the Service Provider will without delay return the payment made by the Guest minus the reservation fee (if that was stated in the terms of the offer which the booking concerned).


VII. Liability of the Service Provider

1. The Service Provider does not bear liability for any shortcomings in the performance of duties imposed on him by the Terms and Conditions, if such shortcomings were the result of circumstances beyond the Service Provider’s control despite due diligence.

2. The Service Provider is not responsible for any loss resulting from the suspension or cessation of service by the Service Provider.

3. The Service Provider does not bear responsibility for loss or damage, including lost benefits, incurred as a result of the Guests’ disregard for the Terms and Conditions or the Law.

4. Liability limitations do not refer to a Guest who is a consumer as defined by Article 22[1] of the Civil Code.


VIII. Service Provider’s intellectual property

1. Information resources, as well as any other content of the e-Service such as texts, graphic designs, logotypes, icons, buttons or images, constitute the intellectual property of the Service Provider or entities with whom the Service Provider has previously entered into suitable agreement with and are copyright protected under Polish and international law, particularly by the provisions of the Act of 4th February 1994 on Intellectual Property and Related Laws.

2. It is prohibited to copy, make copies of, or use the information, data or other content available on the e-Service or originating from it, in any other way, whether in full or in part, except in cases of fair use resulting from the provisions of the law.


IX. Complaints

1. The Guest has the right to make a complaint about any aspect of the Service or the Service Provider’s conduct which does not comply with the Terms and Conditions.

2. Any complaints, containing the Guest’s details (i.e. full name, e-mail address) and a short description of the reported complaint, are to be submitted using (a) the contact form available on the main e-Service site after clicking on „Contact”,or (b) in writing to the Service Provider’s postal address.

3. The Service Provider looks into all complaints within 14 days of receipt. Should the complaint concern services provided on-line which cannot be investigated within 14 days, the Service Provider shall inform the Guest of the reasons for the delay and the expected duration of the process.


X. Final provisions

1. The content of the Terms and Conditions can be changed. The Guest will be informed of any changes via the internet website of the Service Provider. There will be a period of at least 14 days between the announcement of changes and their actual implementation.

2. Any disputes arising between the Service Provider and a Guest who is not a consumer as defined by Article 22[1] of the Civil Code will be subject to a court with jurisdiction over the area where the head office of the Service Provider is located.


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